Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands. (Ps. 112:1)
Psalm 112 was written as a call to worship God and as an account of blessings that will follow. When we fear the Lord and follow his commands, then our lives will reflect the holiness that lives in God. In turn, we will be mighty and have great eternal riches, which means we will be people of substance with a solid foundation. How well we are following God is not determined by our earthly bank account, but by the riches of his kingdom. No money can buy the contentment that God can provide.
When we love God, loving others becomes more natural to us as our hearts become secure in him and we give gifts to the poor and to our neighbors. The blessings that come from obeying the Word of God are far beyond what this world could ever give us! Security is a beautiful thing to have.
In a world that is forever changing, we can rely on the One who is constant. Those who fear the Lord will not be overwhelmed by the darkness of this world but will see the pure light that can come from only Jesus himself. When this world turns its back on us, betrays us, or cancels us, Jesus can give us the reassurance we need to keep moving forward.
Enjoy the blessings that come from fearing the Lord.
Rachel Reigard is a NextGen Pastor at Bethany Wesleyan Church’s Palmerton Campus (PA). She serves alongside her worship and youth pastor-husband, Josh.
© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.