When someone says, “You make me feel seen,” they are expressing that they feel valued and loved.
Truly seeing someone means acknowledging them for both who they are and what they do.
However, it can be easy to view those in church leadership as simply “doing their job.” Often, pastors are measured through their accomplishments or challenges. We see them delivering sermons, leading worship, offering smiles on stage, handshakes at the door, and bowing their heads in prayer. But we know pastors are more than just a church leader.
This October, we invite you to view your pastor in a new light – as a beloved child of God. See your pastor as a person filled with hopes and dreams, as well as someone who faces struggles and pain.
Research shows that one of the most crucial factors for clergy well-being is the support they receive from their congregations. When we truly see our pastors, we recognize the many ways we can support and uplift each man and woman serving the Lord in ministry.
For Pastor Appreciation Month this October, we encourage your church to see your pastor and their family with fresh eyes. Recognize their inherent value as children of God. Appreciate their countless hours of self-sacrifice and devotion. Find ways to pray for them, to encourage them, and to be a source of blessing to them and their family.
Download the resource kit for promotional materials and suggestions that can directly benefit your pastor(s) and their families. Use these items and ideas as opportunities to show your pastor and their family that “We see you!” and that they are deeply appreciated.