My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me. (Acts 20:24)
I struggled to fight back the tears as my mother told me that she was ready to die. My mother was in stage four of cancer and had been in constant pain for several years. I thought of all the things my mother had not done—things that I thought were necessary for a “well-lived” life. I had determined that these activities were important, and I wanted my mother to be “complete.”
One day my mother explained that she believed her most important job was raising me and my brother, and she knew she had done great job. My mother also said that she believed she had done everything God wanted her to do, and she felt complete. I realized that I had been prideful in thinking that I knew what was best for my mother and had judged her life as “not complete.” She had completed the tasks that God had given her, and she was finished.
God has given each of us a task, and it may look different from the tasks he’s given others. As you continue to trust God and have a better understanding of your purpose, remember to be on the lookout for saboteurs that may seek to sidetrack you from God’s plan for your life. As you go into the world, remain vigilant, and complete the task that God has given you.
Stay focused, and complete your God-given task.
Angela Golden Bryan is a graduate of Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University. Her top spiritual gifts are encouragement, service, and compassion. She and her husband live in South Florida and enjoy visits from their two adult children.
© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.