Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants. (Neh. 1:11)


ROBERT PEERED OUT his back window to see his elderly neighbor attempting to replace several fence boards blown down during the night’s storm. Robert quickly finished his coffee, changed his clothes, and went outside to help. Together they spent the better half of the day replacing boards while the elderly neighbor told stories about what the neighborhood was like when all the houses on the block were being built. A grateful Chihuahua ran carefree in the backyard later that afternoon.

Nehemiah’s heart broke when he heard the news of the condition of the walls of Jerusalem. At this point in history, walls were a vital aspect of the security and stability of any city. Nehemiah knew the city and the newly rebuilt temple would not stand without secure walls and gates. He also knew that the destitute situation the city found itself in was a result of their own rebellion and wickedness. His prayer was a simple request that God would listen despite their rebellion and that he would forgive Israel’s many sins.

Have you or your close friends ever let your defenses against the attacks of the enemy crumble and dilapidate due to neglect or rebellion? As God’s community, we must make sure that we and those in our community have strong boundaries in place—even if it means stepping over the fence.


Help others in your community rebuild boundaries.


Mark Moore is the spiritual formation pastor at Faith Legacy Church in Sacramento, California, and an auxiliary professor at William Jessup University.


© 2019 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.