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Thriving Clergy

Thriving Clergy

Central location for the Clergy Care programs and Resources from the Education & Clergy Development team.

ECD Clergy Care Resources

ECD Clergy Care Resources

ECD Home Thriving Clergy Ministerial Preparation Ministerio de Educación en Español Wesleyan Higher Education Thrive Financial Initiative Women in Ministry Looking for Resources?Try your search on Resource Center   Education & Clergy Development offers a...
Education & Clergy Development

Education & Clergy Development

ECD Home Thriving Clergy Ministerial Preparation Ministerio de Educación en Español Wesleyan Higher Education Thrive Financial Initiative Women in Ministry The Education and Clergy Development Division of The Wesleyan Church: Develops Wesleyan clergy to be healthy,...
Flourishing Conference Explores Clergy Well-Being

Flourishing Conference Explores Clergy Well-Being

“This conference offers a unique and much-needed platform for public sharing of important, cutting-edge research and best practices so we can help clergy and their families to flourish for a lifetime of ministry,” said Rev. Russ Gunsalus.

The pastors’ pastors

The pastors’ pastors

Clergy care coordinators reach out to pastors and their families with prayers and calls and facilitate pastors’ access to resources like counseling or educational funding.

Thriving Clergy:  Pastorwell

Thriving Clergy: Pastorwell

“Sometimes pastors don’t avail themselves of things until there is a crisis; we’re trying to encourage pastors to be thinking ahead about what kinds of habits of mind and heart they can begin to make part of their life before there’s a crisis,”

Thrive Financial Spotlight:  Florida District

Thrive Financial Spotlight: Florida District

This role is important, because—according to Styers—the problem with executing clergy care is not a lack of concern, but a lack of time on the part of district leaders. “We try our very best to not let people fall through the cracks…

Serving the shepherd

Serving the shepherd

ECD continues the pursuit of the mission in 2022 through equipping and caring for the shepherds.

Wesleyan Ministerial Loan-Grant

Wesleyan Ministerial Loan-Grant

ECD Home Thriving Clergy Ministerial Preparation Ministerio de Educación en Español Wesleyan Higher Education Thrive Financial Initiative Women in Ministry Looking for Resources?Try your search on Resource Center Education and Clergy Development exists to develop...
You are not alone

You are not alone

Newly ordained pastors of The Wesleyan Church were celebrated, encouraged and resourced at the event specifically crafted for them.

ECD Clergy Care Partners

ECD Clergy Care Partners

ECD Home Thriving Clergy Ministerial Preparation Ministerio de Educación en Español Wesleyan Higher Education Thrive Financial Initiative Women in Ministry Looking for Resources?Try your search on Resource Center Clergy Care Partners   ECD is committed to...