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April 11 – 13


Right now, God is raising up the church’s laity, right where they are, to do the very things in the marketplace that pastors do in the Church: shepherd the people entrusted to them.

The goal of this conference is not just to share information on Marketplace Multipliers, but empower and develop this new and inspiring work of God in our local churches and communities. It’s not about “the next thing” that will get people into church. It’s where the Church itself seems to be headed.

Good leaders discern where things are going and get there first. This is a conference for leaders of local churches, together with key church laity, to share best practices and learn how to participate in this movement.


You’ll hear from those who are just getting started in their roles as shepherds in the marketplace as well as from those who’ve been at it awhile! Learn from clergy and laity alike—those on the front lines of this movement, and those in the trenches.

Our hope is to form a fraternity of pastors and lay people who are called to be conduits of the gospel, wherever they are located, and encourage each other throughout the year.

Join us, and feel empowered by this new and inspiring work of God in our local churches and communities!