Recent News

One man’s mission

One man’s mission

Rev. Bradley Hill helps the least, last and lost in the North Carolina mountains.

Following God’s cALL together

Following God’s cALL together

Every generation affirming what we see God doing in each other helps us embrace God’s call.

Awakened by a storm

Awakened by a storm

Despite losing their church buildings, God empowers a congregation to reach their community one person at a time.

ALL I see in you

ALL I see in you

Keith Drury followed God’s call in raising up the next generation.

"Let your words be the genuine picture of your heart ." — John Wesley

SWACK thy neighbor

SWACK thy neighbor

Discover one church’s unique way of loving its community.

God at work

God at work

Misión Multiplicación Conference draws cultures together around faith and work.



What is the price of remembering and boldly living into both sides of our calling?

Doing something about it

Doing something about it

Michael and Emily step into an “impossible” situation to love a mother and baby through pregnancy, adoption and beyond.

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