Neighbors across the world
A church in Oswego County, New York partners with a church in Ezulwini, Eswatini.
A church in Oswego County, New York partners with a church in Ezulwini, Eswatini.
Manipur conflict carries heavy political and religious implications, spawning heartbreaking persecution for our brothers and sisters in India.
Participants of Mission 1:8 Summit came expectant and excited to receive from the Holy Spirit.
The Lord leads Global Partners missionaries to a new location to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Hermanos Wesleyanos buscan refugio y comida en medio de la violencia y destrucción en Manipur.
Wesleyans seek refuge and food amid violence and destruction in Manipur.
Affirming women in ministry within the Indonesian Wesleyan Church.
Wesleyans are facing aggression and destruction to churches and homes in Meitei’s pursuit of tribal status.
Global Partners share the good news of God’s work Everywhere to Everywhere.
We celebrate our Hispanic family, their diverse heritages and how they are blessing The Wesleyan Church.
God is using “the Latin flavor” to bring a rich and unique Unleashing of a Kingdom Force in The Wesleyan Church.
The Philippine General Conference of The Wesleyan Church elects a new General Superintendent and celebrates the missional work of the past five years.
Rev. Juanita Oyasan elected District Superintendent of the Northern Mindanao District.
Subsidiary organizations like Immigrant Connection demonstrate The Wesleyan Church’s commitment to action.
Wesley and Rachel Dean are fulfilling The Great Commission as Global Marketplace Multipliers through Croatia’s Digital Nomad Visa program.
Wesleyans heard the call and are stepping up, providing relief and hope to Ukrainian refugees.
Cheri is following the Spirit’s move and primed to “give back to others” in a new leadership space.
The Ukrainian refugee need prompts activation of the Wesleyan Emergency Relief Fund (WERF).
Global Partners testifies to the powerful move of God across the globe through The Wesleyan Church.
Wesleyan Hispanic pastors in the US understand the complexities of leading multicultural churches.
Ryan Delamater and his team intersect culture, economics and technology with a nimble strategy of ministry.
Tom and Sarah Cochran have Unleashed a Kingdom Force of rescuing vulnerable children around the world.
The Whites intersect artistic passion and manga culture to build spiritual bridges
When the Lord of the harvest calls, the next missionary might just be you.