Official Documentation Path for New Churches
After District approval, you will need to set up your official documentation for your new church. You will need an EIN# and 501c3 set up before you can get a bank account to receive donations. Getting the legal documentation set up is often confusing for church planters, but don’t you worry, we’ve made it really easy. Just smile and follow the steps below!
1 | Select a Church Name
Before your new church can become official it needs a name. Choosing a great church name is important. Click HERE to download an article entitled, “How to Choose a Great Church Name.”
2 | Establish an Address
If you do not have a permanent church facility, consider getting a P.O. Box instead of using your personal home address. In most areas, a P.O. Box is a small fee. A church name is all that is needed for obtaining a P.O. Box. Some local mail shops are now offering P.O. Boxes with an actual address rather than a P.O. Box address.
3 | Get an EIN# (Tax ID)
4 | Notice of New Church Listing and 501c3
5 | Establish a Church Bank Account
Armed with the products from steps 1-4 above, you can open a business checking account. Many banks offer a free (no fees) checking account to non-profit organizations. The bank may want to see your official EIN form and tax exempt approval letter from the IRS to set the account up as a non-profit. Opening an account will usually take two trips to the bank. One visit to obtain the application form and a second to submit the form with required documentation. In most cases, your designated Board (Sending Church or District Board) will need a signed resolution to establish the account. *Check with your District to see if they require a representative from the District leadership team to be on the checking account as a potential check signer.
6 | Register on Pastor Portal (Wesleyan.org)
Your church plant will be added to the Pastor Portal by your district administrator.
For questions or concerns please contact your district office.