The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. (1 Cor. 6:13)
Growing up, you may have heard about different purposes for our bodies. Those purposes could have included giving birth, providing for our family, having fun, or simply surviving. So what is the true purpose for our bodies? Corinthians teaches that the body is for the Lord, not for ourselves. We cannot view our bodies as something that will be thrown aside but as a vessel that embodies the Spirit of God.
Paul saw abuse of the body and wanted to remind the reader that our bodies are made for a holy purpose. Sexual immorality is not as inconsequential as eating food. Eating affects your stomach; however, sexual immorality affects your soul by distancing you from God. How can our hearts be close to God as our bodies stray away from him? Our bodies are not meant to go through sexual sin; therefore, this passage teaches us how to prevent any of that pain.
If you know that pain, then know that God has not abandoned you and can still fulfill his purpose for you. It is not too late. You have not gone too far. You can come back from sexual sin and have a body that is fulfilling God’s will for your life. Our bodies are meant to be with God, so when we choose to turn to him, we are living out our body's true intention.
Remember that a body’s purpose is fulfilled when we walk toward God.
Rachel Reigard is a NextGen Pastor at Bethany Wesleyan Church’s Palmerton Campus (PA). She serves alongside her worship and youth pastor-husband, Josh.
© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.