Plain Grace
Name one way God has been plainly present in your life.
Name one way God has been plainly present in your life.
Analyze how you’re doing spiritually by how you’re loving others.
Tell someone how you will attend to God this week.
Reflect on how your picture of God has been disrupted lately.
Take action to train your focus on God’s priorities.
At the end of today, name three ways you saw God’s presence.
Show the joy of your salvation in your actions and reactions today.
Ask God to take away your insecurity and exchange it for boldness.
Ask for protection from thinking you are better than others.
Ask the Lord for patience to be good news to the difficult.
Put someone new on your prayer list.
Make Jesus your Lord not just in theory but in truth.
Be good news to those around you today and every day!
Never underestimate the care of God for his people.
Trust that with God we get his best.
When you are in distress, call on the Lord to deliver you.
Pay attention to the voice of the Lord.
Be a follower of God because he will never lead you astray.
Do not try to hide your sin from God.
Make your lifetime calling the pursuit of God’s kingdom.
Depend on God to be independent from self.
Never underestimate the multigenerational influence of a leader.
Never underestimate the ability of a dedicated leader to effect massive change.
Never underestimate the immense value of trust.