Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. (Matt. 5:6)
“CAN YOU JUST STOP looking at your phone?” pleaded Crystal. David could hear the annoyance in her voice. “It has been months since we’ve gotten away on a date, and I feel like all you’ve done during dinner is check Facebook.” She glared at him from across the table while taking a bite of pizza. “If I knew you were going on a date with your phone, I would have stayed home.” Crystal could feel tears coming but tried to maintain her angry expression toward her husband.
“I’m sorry.” David replied, with a forced smile. “I won’t look at it for the rest of the evening.” He grudgingly placed the phone in his pocket. David still found himself having a difficult time engaging in small talk with his wife. He found himself more interested in knowing who was commenting on his latest status update and pictures he posted. In reality he was hungrier for the stroke of his ego in “likes” and “retweets” than for time invested with his wife.
With the devices we have at our fingertips, it is easy to find access to whatever we most desire. Reflecting on our use of technology may allow the Spirit of God to confront us about the things we desire more than Him.
Reflect on how you use technology to satisfy inner needs.
Amy Knepp is a graduate of Indiana Wesleyan University and a stay-at-home mother of four children.
© 2017 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.