Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love. (Ps. 107:15)
I have made mistakes. Yet, my mother stood with me while she allowed me to make them. Later in life, I asked her the reason. “Because I love you. I want what’s best for you, and no matter what you do, my love will always be there. I knew you’d get it right eventually.” Her actions grew out of her love for me.
In Psalm 107, admonitions to “give thanks to the Lord” are preceded by accounts of God’s deliverance. The psalmist’s response to God’s saving actions was thankfulness. But he did not thank God for deliverance only, but for the basis of that deliverance: God’s unfailing love. No matter what the psalmist faced, God’s love—shown by his steadfast help—would never fail. The result of that love: “wonderful deeds for mankind.”
Life can be overwhelming. Sometimes, more than anything, we want to know that someone cares. With our loving Father, we not only have someone who cares, but also someone who can help us with our problems. His love assures us that no matter the difficulty, he will always come to our aid, giving comfort, strength, and the ability to get through it. The psalmist knew that God’s love would result in deliverance. Likewise, while we thank God for what he does, we should thank him even more for the love that compels him to do it.
Thank God for his love amid life’s struggles.
Roland E. Cavanaugh is a former pastor and current chaplain of Providence Place Senior Health and Rehabilitation (NC). He enjoys reading, writing, and nature.
© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.