Listen to today’s devo!

And when he saw him, he took pity on him. (Luke 10:33)

Throughout the centuries, Christians have been known to have compassion for those in need. Historically, it has been a hallmark of the church that we love and care for all without exception. Yet in America today, there are many who don’t feel comfortable seeking help from the church, because of the perception of Christians being hateful and judgmental toward certain people and behaviors. They have more hope of receiving compassion from other sources.

That’s somewhat similar to the twist in the story Jesus told to the expert in the law in answer to his question about the definition of neighbor. After the traveler in the story was attacked, beaten, stripped, and left for dead, he encountered two religious leaders—people he might have expected to help him. Yet both passed him by. The third person to come along was a Samaritan—from among those whom James and John had just suggested devouring with fire from heaven. Samaritans were considered religious and political enemies—yet of the three individuals, the Samaritan was the one who stopped to help the traveler in distress and see to it that he was taken care of.

Sometimes it’s easy for Christians to justify to ourselves withholding help and even heaping judgment on certain others. When we do, however, we just might find the authentic love of Christ shines forth from those we had written off.

Have love and compassion for all without exception.

Kevin R. Scott is a pastor and author of “ReCreatable: How God Heals the Brokenness of Life”. He lives with his family in middle Tennessee.

© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.