Listen to today’s devo!

Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. (Phil 2:2)

Expanded Passage: Philippians 2: 1-2

I don’t know when it started, but at some point I noticed my husband and I often match our clothing style and color. It’s not intentional. We don’t plan for it. Sometimes I don’t even notice until the day is half over. But our connectedness, taste, and similar approach to life through the twenty-seven years we have been married seems evident in even the most inconsequential ways.

Paul prayed a similar thing for the Philippian believers. He longed for them to be like Jesus. He prayed they would be so infused with his character by the power of the Holy Spirit that they would always (super)naturally put Jesus on display.

Paul’s letter extends an invitation to us as well, as the apostle’s prayer is still being answered throughout the worldwide communion of believers. Since the role of the Holy Spirit is to help us transform into God’s image, we grow in union with him as we yield.

It takes time and presence of mind. It takes work to grow in relationship with God, just like it does to build true communion in marriage. But as we spend time with Jesus, open up in vulnerability to trust and obey him, we increasingly resemble him. Our hearts knit together, and without even thinking about it or even noticing it, we (super)naturally love as he loves.

Deepen your relationship with God in order to put him on display.

Elizabeth Rhyno is wife to Scott, mom to three adult children, and a worship pastor and entrepreneur. She enjoys coaching women and creating opportunities to invest in their growth and development.

© 2025 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.