This brand new 2½ minute video from our team in Nepal goes beyond the tragedy of the massive earthquake. It also demonstrates the spirit of our pastors and people as they set aside the grief of lost homes and family members. They are picking up and beginning ministry again with an even greater vision than before to reach their nation for Christ.
The Wesleyan Emergency Relief Fund (WERF) continues to provide tents and sleeping bags for the coming cold monsoon season, water filters, and relief supplies for a large area of devastation, along with our partners, World Hope International and Global Partners. But even beyond that, it is helping the Nepali Wesleyans rebuild five destroyed churches and launch 32 new ones. In addition, it will establish a Kathmandu Church and Leadership Training Center that will also serve as a relief center as experts continue to predict more earthquakes in the region.
Over and over, God helps us take the burdens and tragic experiences of life, and use them redemptively. Please help the Nepal Wesleyan Church and WERF do just that.