A new day is dawning in discipleship.
Traditionally when we think of discipleship, we think of two wings: education and coaching. Education has to do with imparting information and setting up models and structures for growth. Coaching has to do with environments for development like small groups or cell groups, etc. Both are necessary and important for a person becoming all that God intended him or her to be.
But discipleship also has a third element: the aspect of being relevant and contextualized to engage disciples in holistic interactions that acknowledge and pay attention to the cultural context in which the disciples live and bear witness to Christ. To advance discipleship conversations, Church Multiplication and Discipleship with The Wesleyan Church (TWC) is announcing a new team of volunteers who will be discipleship catalysts. These catalysts will lead contextual discipleship conversations and help shape the discipleship models and structures that support making disciples who make disciples.
TWC desires to have a transforming presence in every ZIP code and to Unleash a Kingdom Force that advances the discipleship imperative by providing “on ramps” to discipleship from many entry points. The new discipleship catalysts clearly reflect this value. The individuals who will help shape and strengthen TWC’s discipleship toolbox include:
Discipleship Initiatives: Megan Williamson (Kentucky)
Social Justice: Dan Walker (Indiana)
African American Discipleship: Meredith Griffin (Delaware)
Hispanic Discipleship: Johel Rodriquez (North Carolina)
Native American Discipleship: James Rattling Leaf, Sr. (South Dakota)
Asian Discipleship: Suk May Yei (New York)
Multiethnic Discipleship: Shalom Liddick (Arizona)
Emotionally Healthy Discipleship: Tom Hines (Florida)
Church Revitalization: Richard Meeks (Indiana)
Evangelism: Mark Wilson (South Carolina)
Compassion Ministries Discipleship: Tammy Myslivecek (New York)
Immigrant Connection: Zach Szmara (Indiana)
Discipleship catalysts will elevate discipleship conversations from many starting points. Very soon Wesleyans will be able to join in catalytic conversations that draw out elements of discipleship to sharpen holistic approaches. These equipping communities will explore contemporary issues that impact discipleship to better equip Wesleyan communities for making disciples.
With prayer and supplication to God, we advance our discipleship community to include this team of catalysts who will work with me to the end that every Wesleyan church has a relevant discipleship model, and every discipleship community is challenged to be in conversation across the spectrum of discipleship. Wesleyans are invited to pray that there be a mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit across our Church for impassioned discipleship that advances the Great Commission and Greatest Commandment in unprecedented ways.
Join the Discipleship Conversations webinar on August 11 at noon (ET) to meet the new discipleship catalysts and hear more of the connection opportunities.
Rev. Kimberly Gladden is director of Discipleship for The Wesleyan Church.