He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”). At this, the man’s ears were opened. (Mark 7:34–35)
Summers in the valley of Northern California can be stifling. Mountain ridges to the east and the west block the flow of fresh air from cooling down the valley floor. Busy cities and congested highways add to the trapped heat. But occasionally a breeze forms off the coast and carries in air cooled by the waters of the Pacific. On these summer nights, most houses in the valleys open their windows and let the cool air in. Once opened, one can immediately feel the flow of fresh, cool air filling the house.
I have always been drawn to the words of Jesus in this miracle: “Be opened!” In this instance the ears of the man who was healed were not only opened but his mouth was opened as well, and he was able to speak clearly. With these powerful words of Jesus the man received both the ability to hear and the ability to speak.
These abilities are not only important in daily life, but also in the spiritual life. We need to be able to hear from God clearly, to have our ears open. We are also called to communicate with God, to sing his praises, to cry out to him, to teach others of his goodness. Too often we intentionally shut our own ears and mute our own speech. Jesus has come to open them both.
May your ears be open and your mouth filled with praise.
Mark A. Moore is an associate professor of theology at William Jessup University and the spiritual formation pastor at Faith Legacy [Wesleyan] Church in Sacramento.
© 2020 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.