Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him. (Ps. 115:3)
Satan’s influence, our natural inclination, our human spirit, and our weak wills often conspire to cause us to behave in ways we later regret. The effort we apply to our jobs and our practice (or non-practice) of compassion, humility, and sharing are a mirror into our hearts. Things of the world often become our idols and recognition and reward take the place of the gold and silver icons that Psalm 115 describes.
Our Lord God possesses heaven and earth and is in, and in control of, both. He both looks over all and rules over all. He provides salvation for mankind, not because of our own works, but because of his will, his purpose, and his loving mercy toward us. Because we all sin, and can be a hardhearted and deaf people, we have been privileged with reminders. He set the example through Jesus, and he desires us to remember, through the taking of the Agape Feast and the Lord’s Supper, the intent, and the sacrifice for us all.
How like us to worship things below us when we should worship the Highest. We have no better example of love and faithfulness, mercy, and promise, than the instruction in his Word. As we partake of these meals, let us celebrate and let us model; the blessings will be immeasurable. Our lives will be transformed, and we will transform others.
Choose not only to trust God, but also to trust in him.
Susan Gordon is a wife, mom, and grammie who recently received her master’s degree at age 69. She enjoys art, photography, being active, and creation.
© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.