Our Lord God Almighty reigns. (Rev. 19:6)
TODAY’S PASSAGE CONTAINS one of my favorite biblical quotations: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns” (Rev. 19:6). The sovereignty of God causes the heart to relax as the assurance that God is totally in control removes the tension of daily struggles. We don’t have to know the reason for every trial if we know who controls every trial. We can, therefore, live by faith (Rom. 1:17).
Central to today’s passage is a celebration of the wedding supper of the Lamb. A person has to be invited to this celebration. No one will be admitted without an invitation. This will be a private party that excludes the foolish unbelievers who turn down the Father’s invitation.
As we worship God with joy in our hearts at the marriage supper of the Lamb, hallelujahs will fill the room. Hearts will be warm and mouths will be open. The things of earth will be a distant past. The Bridegroom’s presence will assure us that He has ended all pain and failure. A joyful future lies ahead.
“Oh, Lord,” our hearts will say, “in You we find peace, and nothing else exists except Your presence and Your blessed face. As we come now to the end of our journey, Your love and mercy fill our horizon with Your grace.”
Read Revelation 22:17. If you haven’t accepted your invitation to the Lamb’s wedding, accept it today!
Bob Segress has served as a pastor, licensed psychologist, college educator, and prison minister. He currently lives in Surprise, Arizona.