Listen to today’s devo!

You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you. (James 5:6)

Expanded Passage: James 5:1-8

Roy Riegels was no ordinary football player. He had earned first team All-America honors and served as team captain for the California Golden Bears. On January 1, 1929, his team found themselves in the Rose Bowl facing Georgia Tech. At one point, Georgia Tech fumbled and Roy recovered. Pivoting to avoid tacklers, he completely lost his bearings. He ran 69 yards—in the wrong direction. The crowd, his coach, and his teammates all screamed at him to turn around. Finally, his quarterback caught him and tackled him just short of the Georgia Tech goal, preventing a sure touchdown for the wrong team.

This Scripture shows people in much the same situation. They are wrapped up in their wealth and the perceived protection that it brings. They have lost track of the true goal. But God is trying to get their attention and racing to catch them before they completely destroy their lives. God, through James, shouts that they have gotten turned around and are headed in the wrong direction. He tackles them, saying they have murdered the innocent one (Jesus). He is pursuing even these rich murderers.

In your struggle to keep from getting knocked down, you may lose your direction and forget the goal. God will patiently and tirelessly work to get your attention. Remember, he is not opposing you, he is pursuing you.

Thank God for his pursuing love.

Calvin Wylie is a retired federal employee. He is the son of a Wesleyan pastor and evangelist. Calvin and his wife, Tammy, live in Clemson, South Carolina.

© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.