God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. (Gen. 1:31)
Have you ever completed a landscaping project and then sat under the shade of your porch, with a glass of your favorite iced tea in hand, to admire your handiwork? There is something about pausing from your labor to drink in the pleasure of the productivity of your hands.
After six days of creative work, God did exactly that. He rested, surveying everything he had made. Satisfied that it was all very good, he then proceeded to drink in its pleasure. God had established a permanent rhythm of day and night. That was very good. God had made man and woman in his image. That was very good too. God had blessed the man and woman with the ability to perpetuate their species, which was very good as well. God had breathed life, allowing both the man and woman to become living beings. O, how good that was! They had been blessed with free moral agency and regency. That was also very good. In looking over all that he had made, God saw that it was not simply good, or good enough, but very good. It was his best work. What pride and satisfaction filled his chest!
All of creation calls us to faith in the loving Creator. God desires nothing less than that we bring him pleasure, which he feels when we offer him our truest worship.
Pause today to give God your sincere worship!
Theodore Griffin is a graduate of Houghton College and Asbury Theological Seminary, and a doctoral student at Wesley Seminary. He is the lead pastor of Brown’s Chapel Wesleyan Church in Indiana.
© 2021 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.