Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. (Ps. 25:16)

A BUSH WAS CROWDING the siding of my in-laws’ house, so my husband and his dad took the hedge trimmers and shaved off the excess leaves and branches. I brought in some of the flowering stems and put them in a beautiful crystal vase full of fresh water. The trumpet-like blossoms and vibrant yellow flowers were beautifully set against a backdrop of healthy green leaves. The scent filled the room with a touch of Florida sunshine. As the day wore on, the leaves began to wither. By the next morning, the branches had completely shriveled.

I’m reading a thick volume on a doctrine of the faith. I’m not stopping to look up the multitude of references because of the sheer volume of the list. Neither am I taking time for my own daily quiet time with the Lord. I’m feeling drained in my work, exhausted, and at the end of my rope.

Just as those flowering stems were separated from their intended life source in the bush, I have substituted a pretty vase of words for my time with God. A great book, even one of faith, is no replacement for the nourishment the Lord wants to give us in time spent with Him. He is the sustenance we need to seek.

Make time for God, seeking His face and grace.

Sally Ferguson and her husband enjoy treasure hunting together at garage sales.