The short video depicting Dayana’s story of child sponsorship is compelling. Through child sponsorship, her sponsors loved her, prayed for her, and honored her story. It is a story that is only just beginning.

With your partnership, World Hope International impacts thousands of children’s lives around the world. But I am convinced that all of it would be worth it for just one. One sponsorship means that one child gets a chance to make the world a different place. Through a sponsor, that child experiences a deep-rooted love. And once you’ve known that kind of sacrificial love, it’s hard to keep it to yourself!

Sponsored children are now pastors, teachers, fathers, and mothers. One life cherished through sponsorship grows into generations of hope, love, and empowerment.

This February, we are faithfully hoping to match at least one sponsor with one child each and every day this month–29 children who can tell their children about their sponsorship anniversary of February 2016.

Will today be your child sponsorship anniversary?