But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. (2 Thess. 3:3)

We all have seasons where we wrestle for control of what is going on around us. But when we wrestle for control, we miss the opportunity to experience God’s faithfulness. The things that God can accomplish through his faithfulness are things no human can replicate, and because of that, we wrestle. Society tells us that we should be able to have things instantly, and this mind-set significantly hinders how God can show up in our lives. It creates an unholy timetable based on human expectation, and as a result, we can miss God’s faithfulness completely.

How easy is it to turn to practical and tangible things within this world to provide stability and reassurance in hard times? Somewhere along the line we set limits to what God can accomplish in our lives. Maybe we don’t want to bother him with the little things or we think our deepest desire is pure selfish desire and not to be presented to him.

Our nature is to want to define and understand, but with God, our nature wrestles with the impossibility of that and often rejects everything altogether, leading us to miss God’s faithfulness. We too quickly forget that our heavenly Father is waiting for us to ask him to show his faithfulness in ways that only he can.

Create space to thank God for his faithfulness.

Maggie Slusher is a young pastor who is passionate about transformational spiritual formation—at every age and season in life. She takes any chance to get outdoors.

© 2019 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.