Ministerial Loan Grant


Education and Clergy Development exists to develop healthy, fit and effective ministers who transform lives, churches, and communities through the hope and holiness of Jesus Christ. The Wesleyan Ministerial Loan Grant program provides financial assistance to students enrolled in an ordination track at one of our approved universities or seminaries. The Loan Grant program is available to undergraduate juniors and seniors and graduate theological students training up to the completion of a Master of Divinity or its equivalent. 

Faculty Development Loan Grant


The Faculty Development Aid Program exists to support Wesleyans achieving the highest academic degree in a field (typically PhD) so they may be equipped to serve in The Wesleyan Church, especially in The Wesleyan Church’s academic institutions.

The Faculty Development Aid Program is a loan program administered by The Wesleyan Church through the Division of Education & Clergy Development.  The loan becomes a grant as the recipient serves The Wesleyan Church in an educational capacity of various forms. Applicants should understand that in requesting aid from this program they are applying for a loan that must either be repaid or cancelled through subsequent service. Applicants should sense that they are being called to serve in educational ministry or educational service.


How do I become a minister in The Wesleyan Church? What does it mean to be ordained?


What is my next step in this process?


How can I get help funding this?

Looking for the Doctor of Ministry Grant?