Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you?” (Matt. 25:37)

WHEN CHRIST RETURNED from the dead and appeared to the disciples on the shores of Galilee, He asked Peter if he loved Him. Peter replied that he did. Jesus then gave him a command: “Take care of my sheep” (John 21:17). How do we do that? Matthew 25:35–40 makes that very clear, doesn’t it?

Jesus fed the five thousand, healed the blind and leprous, and raised the dead. He gave the command for His disciples to do the same and sent the Holy Spirit to equip them for the task. He gives each believer the ability to minister to those in need. Yet how many of us let it lay dormant in our souls and think there is no way we could do anything so grand?

Perhaps if we began to do these menial things mentioned in Matthew 25—such as helping out in soup kitchens, volunteering to sort clothes in a charity shop, becoming involved in a prison ministry, or inviting a person to church and offering them a ride—we would begin to see the Holy Spirit at work. Our faith will increase as we rely on Him, and He may just lead and equip us to do greater things. This is not for our glory but so that we may point to Him as the source.e

Start something small, then watch God grow it big.

Julie B. Cosgrove is a widowed Christian author and speaker who lives in Fort Worth, Texas. She is involved with women’s and outreach ministries.