Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong. (Ps. 37:1)
LIVING IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE makes for interesting winters. Our social and working activities may be determined by what the weather is doing. We watch the evening weather report and check on the radar channel frequently. There is always a concern that the roads may be icy or snow covered or the visibility poor. It is easy to become fretful and worrisome about whether we will be able to get to work the next morning and then get home again. The fretting doesn’t change anything, and we have no control over the weather. Thankfully, that is all in our heavenly Father’s very capable hands.
We are such a fretful people! We worry about the weather, prices of things, who said what, why another person is prospering and we aren’t, and the list goes on. Worrying and fretting consumes much of our energy and time. How many things that we worry and fret about actually happen? Go back and read all of Psalm 37, and see how David showed that we fret about the wicked flourishing but in the long run, Christians “will inherit the land” (v. 22).
Worry is like a rocking chair—it will give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere. Instead of worrying, bring your concerns to God, and let Him take care of them.
Rest in the knowledge that God is in control.
Karen Doolaard lives in Michigan with her husband, John, where they attend Central Wesleyan Church. She is involved in the Prayer Shawl Ministry.
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