For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power. (2 Peter 1:16)
Peter watched at the transfiguration as Jesus’ face shone like the sun. He listened to Moses and Elijah having a chat with Jesus, and he wanted to capture the experience at a location. He wanted to build a structure to make it last. That event, recorded in Matthew 17:1–4, still impacted Peter when he wrote this letter. He could provide confident reassurance to believers because he had seen, heard, and been with Jesus at a life-changing moment.
Peter encouraged us to remember our God experiences. Consider all that God may have saved you from in your life. Maybe he has walked beside you during some dark seasons, or maybe he has prevented you from experiencing darkness. Either way, take a cue from Peter and remember God’s majesty. Picture his love for you, radiating warmth and kindness. Hear his voice, chatting in the Trinity, sharing community, and inviting you to be a part. Imagine the triune God asking you to pull up a chair at the table and join the conversation.
You will want to capture his presence in a permanent location, like Peter’s request to Jesus to build a shelter and live on the mountaintop, but you can’t. Jesus taught Peter, and Peter reminded us, that our living, remembering, and retelling of God’s goodness is the best way to recapture his presence.
Go and tell your story of God’s goodness.
Erin Crisp is executive director of The Center for Learning and Innovation at IWU National & Global, and a contributing writer for Annesley Writer’s Forum.
© 2020 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.