Listen to today’s devo!

How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land? (Ps. 137:4)

Expanded Passage: Psalm 137:1-6

Mission trips are often based on the idea of taking the Word of God to a place where it is not readily accessible. My first mission trip was to a community in Africa. As we prepared for the trip, we were reminded that, although we were traveling to another country to spread the love of Jesus, we would not attempt to change their culture. We would be in a foreign land and adhere to the culture of that land while sharing the love of God. It was a reminder, for me, that God is the same regardless of where and how his message is shared.

The psalmist was thinking of the destruction of Zion and the Babylonian exile. How could they sing songs praising their God among their captors? And yet, how could they not? Their surroundings were different, but their God was the same. Even though their circumstances had changed, their God had not.

Whether you travel to a foreign land or are simply in the personal fight of your life that makes your home feel foreign, you can know that God is the same. You can worship him as you always have. You can praise him as you always have. You can trust him to be the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, no matter what your surroundings look like.

Praise God no matter your environment.

Tara Klein is a doctoral student at Wesley Seminary (IN) who is passionate about helping people go deeper in their relationship with God.

© 2023 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.