I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. (Ecc. 3:14)
“Everything is packed! We are headed out.” Camping trips are fun but can be tricky. Remembering absolutely everything that one will need when heading into the wilderness is difficult. In fact, I have found that even if I do remember everything, something always goes awry anyway.
I have been rained out of my tent because it was both leaking and floating away. I have had raccoons demolish my food supply while I left the campsite to go hiking. I have been attacked by a hornet’s nest nestled in the ground under the trail I was on. Camping has increasingly become less appealing to me through my myriad of experiences.
Unlike finite human capacity, God’s actions are complete and full. He does not forget to do something nor does he get surprised by any circumstances that may arise along the way. He sees the full picture and accounts for everything—every single detail.
What are some of these actions of God? What is the everything that God does? God shows compassion to those who are hurting. He extends mercy and forgiveness to those who ask. He rescues the lost. He restores and renews the broken. He multiplies our little and when necessary creates what is needed out of nothing. He makes right what is wrong. He brings justice to bear on the unjust. He is God over all.
Give God thanks for his complete work in your life.
Wesley Seminary alumna, Sarah Cochran and her husband pastored for seventeen years, and now both work for an agency rescuing kids from sex trafficking worldwide.
© 2021 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.