This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus. (Rev. 14:12)

IN VIOLENT STORMS, the elements impact our lives. However, delicate, feathered birds use stormy gales to aid in their migration. They bravely soar into darkening skies for the purpose of positioning themselves to be pushed by the storm’s winds.

When we find ourselves in the ravages of life’s storms, God asks that we hang on. He will use the storm to propel us toward our heavenly destination as we all the more tightly cling to Him. He promises rest from every ache we obtained as we struggled to walk in life’s mighty headwinds. He will grant us rest from the wounds we received while we were pummeled by life’s hail. He vows to give us rest from life’s heat blisters and frostbite. He is committed to giving us rest from the aching lungs as our very breath was sucked from us in life’s sorrow. He promises that there will be a most splendid rest for those who endure and remain faithful to Him. All we have to do is hang on.

Hang on to the Lord, stay faithful and obedient to Him, and He will reward you with rest.

Sandy Haney has been an elementary school teacher for twenty-seven years. She and her husband have two children and two grandchildren.