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His mother’s name was Jedidah. (2 Kings 22:1)

Expanded Passage: 2 Kings 22:1

“Hi Mom!” are the words very frequently spoken by sports stars and other celebrities when being interviewed. While I mean no disrespect to dads in this matter, I do not recall ever hearing the words “Hi Dad!” in such a context.

The same is true in today’s reading. We discover that Josiah’s mother was Jedidah. No mention of his father. While his more distant paternal ancestry is highlighted, his dad is not mentioned.

While no background is provided about Jedidah, the fact that Josiah’s mother was mentioned by name seems to indicate a positive influence on the young monarch. While the details of her relationship with her son are unknown, there is no doubt about the enormous role godly mothers play in the development and discipleship of their children.

In the words of fourth-century pagan philosopher Libanius, “What women these Christians have!” The impact of dedicated moms was quite obviously recognized in that era so long ago. History continues to replay and display that impact every time a Christian mother rises to seize the moment of influence with her children.

William Ross Wallace back in 1865 captured this “mother power” reality when he penned the words, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” Slightly overstated perhaps, but the sentiment rings true: A godly mother has great influence.

Never underestimate the impact of a godly mother.

HC Wilson is General Superintendent Emeritus of The Wesleyan Church. He and his wife, Debby, reside in New Brunswick, Canada.

© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.