But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you.” (Ruth 1:16)
I remember the days when I was small and I longed for my dad to get home from work, so I could fight my siblings for his lap. Evening time was supposed to be Dad’s resting time, but instead it was a time to answer many questions, tell stories, and tickle the ivories on his beloved piano. To my siblings and me, Dad was the best father in the whole world, and we always felt safe around him.
After Ruth and Naomi had spent a few years together and grew to love one another as family, it was inconceivable for Ruth to consider leaving Naomi as she headed back to the land of Judah. Their love for each other was strong and resilient, as they also were.
Today both my dad and brother are in heaven with the Lord. Though I can no longer speak with them, see them, or hug them, they will always be with me through the love I carry for them in my heart.
God loves each of us truly and deeply. He also loves us unconditionally and with a love that has no end. A life with God is a life fulfilled. When we keep God’s Word alive in our hearts and minds, we also keep God close by and it makes it very easy for us to partake in his love, which covers us.
Be willing to let others experience God’s love through you.
Luska Natali is a native of Brazil who is passionate about God, her family, learning new languages (she fluently speaks three), and meeting people.
© 2020 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.