Listen to today’s devo!

This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. (1 John 4:13)

When you think of a holy and Spirit-filled person, who comes to mind? Maybe a friend, a teacher, a pastor, or a leader in your life. Often these people seem to walk in a different stride, perhaps have an extra dose of joy. One thing that can be said in common about each of these people is that they find their hope and identity in Christ.

Nicky Gumbel summarizes it well: “Don’t undervalue yourself. God loves you. Your worth is what you are worth to God. Jesus died for you. You are of infinite value.”

As we continue to grow in the understanding of God’s unconditional love for us, our hearts begin to change, and people are impacted. Gumbel himself was a self-proclaimed atheist until he came to know God personally and was changed forever. Now he is known for being a key person in creating an introduction to Christian beliefs’ course that has been viewed by over 24 million people.

The author of 1 John was writing to the church as false teaching started swaying their community. He was explaining this very concept to look for people who were filled with God’s Spirit and exude the kind of confidence that is found in hope and love.

Pray for God to continue filling you with his Spirit.

Shannon Nickerson is a recent graduate from Kingswood University, and current multimedia coordinator at her local church. She enjoys photography, teaching, and graphic design.

© 2020 Wesleyan Publishing House.  Reprinted from Light from the Word.  Used by permission.  Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.