“No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me.” . . . declares the Lord. (Jer. 31:34)

I HAD NO EXPOSURE to the gospel until I was sixteen. I grew up in Canada, and my parents sent me to Sunday school. However, many Sundays I stayed on the streets instead of attending Sunday school, and when I attended, I heard nothing from the teacher about the Bible or Jesus’ death and resurrection. Finding Sunday school to be a waste of time, I stopped attending when I was twelve.

Fortunately, a close friend of mine became a believer when we were in high school, and he shared the gospel with me. It seemed strange to hear that Jesus died for my sins and would forgive me and give me eternal life. It took awhile for me to accept the message and trust in Jesus as my Savior, but the Holy Spirit enlightened my mind and changed my heart. Soon, I will have known the Lord for sixty-four years.

When Jesus sets up His kingdom on earth, He will only admit believers (Matt. 25:31–34; John 3:3–5). As Jeremiah 31:34 explains, no one will need to share the gospel with his or her neighbor or brother or sister, because everyone will know the Lord. How different life will be then! Peace, security, love, and joyful worship will replace persecution, threats, ridicule, and discrimination.

Help someone today know the Lord.

Jim Dyet was born in Scotland and grew up in Canada. Married almost sixty years, he and Gloria live in Colorado Springs, where Jim enjoys golf and daily walks with their dogs.

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