We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, . . . pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place. (2 Peter. 1:19)

The prophetic message is a light in a dark place. When we retell the story of Jesus to people who are not believers, their reactions are mixed but often tainted by past experiences with religion. From their perspective, religion is a way to control people. It is full of corruption and political agendas. Society is better off with a moral code of virtues and ethics than with religion. Pick a controversial issue, and you will find as much division inside the church as outside. Let these divisions prompt you to pray for healing where there is hurt among believers. Because of Jesus, his people are forever changed. We are prophetic purveyors of light, not judgment.

We read earlier in verse 5 that we are to add to our faith knowledge. Do we have knowledge of the struggles of humanity? Do you know someone who has had an abortion, who is gay/lesbian/transgender, who is an immigrant, an addict, who has abused or been abused, a convicted criminal, a homeless person, a person who has been neglected, or a person with a mental illness? Our responsibility, as brothers and sisters, is to add to our knowledge with firsthand knowledge of the lived experiences of others. Only by knowing one another (and being known) can the prophetic light of Christ bring healing.

Shine Christ’s light in your soul’s dark corners where secret anger hides.

Erin Crisp is executive director of The Center for Learning and Innovation at IWU National & Global, and a contributing writer for Annesley Writer’s Forum.

© 2020 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.

Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.