He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. (Ps. 18:17)
My anxiety hits after dark. I dread going to bed on those nights. One night, the intensity of it felt all-consuming. All I could do was shiver uncontrollably and fight the urge to be sick to my stomach. One minute I was pacing across my bedroom floor, the next I was lying in bed fighting the physical symptoms of my worry. I could not climb out of the anxious spiral in which I found myself. I didn’t want to react this way as I worried about my son’s cough—one that, if not caught in time, could land him the hospital with a horrible respiratory infection.
I texted some friends and asked for prayer in those overwhelming moments. As I also prayed, I exhaled slowly, a breathing exercise that helps me overcome anxiety. I began to calm down, albeit slowly. The shivering stopped as did the feeling of getting sick. The truth of God’s character permeated my restless, fearful mind. The Holy Spirit reminded me of his sovereign protection over my son and that he is my rescuer from a powerful enemy.
God truly rescued me that night. I recounted how faithful and trustworthy God had been in my son’s past and that he was equally so in his present and future. The Rescuer had come and drawn me out of deep waters.
Thank God for the ways that he has rescued you.
Tricia Rife lives in Indianapolis with her husband, Adam, and son, Andrew. She loves taking regular trips to Walt Disney World.
© 2019 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.