“Listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious house.” (Ezek. 2:8)
GOD IS THE GIVER of our spiritual nourishment. He supplies everything we need to be a successful Christian. But we are prone to rebelliousness by our nature. We choose to take our own tool belt to the jobsite, not heeding the teaching and counsel of God. We think we can build the kingdom of God our way, volunteering for ministries that we are not called to do. In our zeal to get to work, we forget to listen.
There are certain things that need to be in place before we are ready to launch into a calling. The first prerequisite is to know you have heard from the Lord. Other voices, including our own, call us to do good things. But they may not be appropriate for our level of maturity. We may not have prepared with the right training or honed our gifts of discernment to know the difference.
Listening to the voice of truth is the only way to achieve the outcome that has been ordained by God. He longs to give us instruction and guidance—to feed us the things that will strengthen us for the task. We must learn to be still and hear His voice. Only then can we go with boldness and confidence, without rebellion, in the direction designed personally for us.
Clear your mind in order to have communion with God today.
Jan Cline is an author, speaker, and founder and director of a Christian writers’ conference in the Northwest.