I will lift up my eyes to you, to you whose throne is in heaven. (Ps. 123:1)

MY FATHER WAS A CIRCUIT-RIDING PREACHER before family responsibilities required him to work for a regular salary and be at home each night. Even so, he continued his ministry as a layperson, teaching Bible classes, encouraging pastors, and counseling church members. Neighbors, friends, and relatives looked up to him and did not hesitate to ask him for advice. In times of approaching hurricanes, rumors of war, and economic downturns, we all sought my father’s guidance.

The writer of Psalm 123 looked up to God to tell him what to do. Perhaps years of experience had shown him that God answers the prayers of His children and directs their paths. Each answered prayer assures God’s presence and His perfect solution for every problem, whether or not we recognize it at the time. The poet could imagine sitting with God high above the world’s problems. That distant view enabled him to get a better perspective, for as he lifted his eyes to God, he removed them from himself, and his problems began to shrink.

We are fortunate to have wise people in our lives to whom we can go in times of trouble. It is even better to have the God of

Look up and see God on His heavenly throne with outstretched arms to you.

Alice Thomas is an adjunct professor of English at Lone Star Montgomery College in Conroe, Texas. She loves to garden and read.