They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator. (Rom. 1:25)
ONE SUMMER NIGHT, while camping in the Beartooth Mountains of Wyoming, I emerged from my tent after dark. I was feeling sick, so I got out and walked a path for a while, guided by a flashlight. Then I turned off the flashlight and looked up at the sky. Wow! It was the most breathtaking scene I had ever seen. There were no clouds and no city lights to impede the view of millions of stars shining in the universe. Stunned and speechless, I quickly forgot the pain of my sickness and was caught up in the wonder of God.
Humans frequently lose sight of God. We let our desires drive us. We use our bodies in ways that bring temporary pleasure but long-term brokenness, especially when it comes to sexual relationships. Our gravitational pull tends to be toward earth, not heaven, and we give our best love to the things on this planet.
As astounding as the stars are on a clear night, the beauty and mystery of God are much greater. As fun as it is to entertain ourselves with temporary pleasures, it is much more joyful to get caught up in our eternal relationship with God. He wants us to enjoy His creation, but He wants us to worship the Creator. Lift your eyes above earth and marvel at the heavens, giving thanks to their Maker.
Spend a moment outdoors praising God for His great creativity.
Jarod Osborne is the lead pastor of Warsaw Wesleyan Church. He is also the author of Jaded Faith (WPH).