Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the Lord, who makes you holy. (Lev. 20:8)
The commercial begins with a little boy dressed as his favorite science-fiction character. He reaches out his hands to make various objects obey his mental commands. But it’s all to no avail. He hangs his head. Determined to try once more, the boy reaches out toward the family car. Amazingly, the vehicle starts! The boy stumbles back in awe. Then the camera pulls away to show the boy’s father pressing the remote starter for the car, just so his child can do incredible things.
Holiness is a monumental achievement. It’s simply not something we can accomplish on our own, no matter how hard we try. It is beyond us in our fallen, human nature. Yet God calls us to be holy. And, to this end, He commands us to keep His decrees and follow them. When we try and fail, it can be discouraging. But God provided a way for us to do it—through His Son’s sacrifice for us and His Spirit’s work in us.
God’s part is to make holiness possible and give us what we need to achieve it. Our part is to simply trust Him for it and to cooperate with His work in our lives. Like the little boy in the commercial, we are powerless. But with our Father’s help, we can do amazing things, including being the holy person He calls us to be.
Tape a note somewhere you can see it frequently with today’s key verse on it.
Diane Gardner lives in the San Francisco Bay area, where she enjoys theater, community events, and watching the sun set over the bay.