In the early 1960s, a young family was called to leave a small Indian village in Paramakatoi, Guyana, to set up a pioneer work in Manaus, Brazil. Paul and Sally Phillippe, along with Paul and Lois Downey, labored in the heart of the Amazon to sow gospel seeds. God was faithful. Churches were planted, and people met Jesus.

In July 2015, a full circle was completed as the fruit of that earlier mission effort is birthing another mission effort in Brazil. Twenty Wesleyans, called to missions, traveled back to Parmakatoi to encourage the current Wesleyan work there and to win others to Christ. This was cross-cultural training and hands-on language learning in the field. It was our second training experience with the largest group ever!

This team of Brazilian Wesleyans traveled to the border of Brazil and Guyana. They hiked 15 miles up the mountain to reach the village of Parmakatoi. Because of their ministry, 62 people made significant decisions—praise God! This is the first international trip that the Brazilian Wesleyan Church has made and marks the beginning of a new age of missions—so all who hear would be made new.