The skilled workers . . , said to Moses, “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the Lord commanded to be done.” (Ex. 36:4–5)
Last summer, when six children from our church tragically lost their mother at the hand of their father, we were concerned about how they would cope with such a tragedy. Though domestic violence is common here, many community members were shocked and heartbroken about their situation, including Christians who knew the family’s very well-behaved children. Many people gave of their time and money, turning a very dilapidated house into a much more pleasant environment for the family. Others made sure they would have food and prayed and consoled them in their moment of need. Their compassionate response seemed like a complete miracle and living testimony to how a group of people who are motivated to do good and contribute what they are able can make a difference.
In this passage, Moses summoned “every skilled person to whom the Lord has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work.” Many others brought freewill offerings for the work so much so that the workers said that the people were “bringing more than enough for doing the work.”
Every believer has a role in the church. We each have contributions to make from what we are given and how we are blessed. While what we can do may seem small compared to the need, working together we can see results that are truly God-sized.
Be faithful to do what God has given you to do.
Caryl Aukerman—wife, missionary, and mother of three—has served with Global Partners in the country of Albania for over twelve years.
© 2020 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.