“So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” (Matt. 24:44)

OUR WORLD HAS SEEN TERRORIST ATTACKS, random shootings in schools, churches, and entertainment venues. When these devastating events happen, authorities and officials examine the circumstances and strive to prevent something similar from happening in the future. Security measures, political discussions, education, and counseling are used to deal with the aftershocks of the event and to prevent future loss. Unfortunately, our attempts to respond to these crises won’t eliminate future ones. Despite our best efforts, our vulnerability to these senseless acts of violence only seems to be increasing.

While no government can prevent—or be fully prepared to respond to—a violent attack, we can be fully ready for the moment when Jesus returns for us. He is not asking us to arm ourselves with weapons but only with His Word. We do not have to endure political wrangling to ensure our safety; we just have to believe in Him and be baptized. It is not necessary to understand complicated security protocols, but it is imperative that we know Him.

When Jesus spoke on the Mount of Olives, He explained to us how to make ourselves secure for eternity. We do so simply by being obedient to and having a relationship with Him. If you do not have that security for your eternal future, you can have it today.

Place your trust in Jesus Christ today.

Hally Franz is a high school guidance counselor turned stay-at-home mom. She enjoys being a 4-H leader, church secretary, book club member, and traveler.

© 2018 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.