My Wesleyan church family, thanks for spending a few moments with me.
I wanted to spend a few moments with you. These are uncertain times.

Churches are deciding about holding worship services. Our universities are making adjustments. And in the midst of this uncertainty, we’re asking, will General Conference meet as anticipated May 31?

Right now, we’re gathering the information and, at this point we believe we’ll be able to make a recommendation and the General Board make a decision by the end of this month.

What encourages me most is while there is uncertainty, there is also opportunity and you, Wesleyan Church family, are making the most of the opportunity.

When I look at how you’re acting to love your neighbor, to be sure that people know that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and sound mind, and I see churches of all sizes in all contexts being good news, bringing hope to others, I’m so proud of you and I’m so thankful for you.

I’m going to ask you to join me once a week over the next several weeks so that we have the opportunity to pray together, to pray for an unleashing of the Holy Spirit.

Yes, we’ve been anticipating a prayer time on Pentecost Sunday. But let’s not wait. Let’s pray together now for God’s Spirit to be unleashed and for him to be glorified.

We can do this and we do it together because we belong to him and to each other.

– Dr. Wayne Schmidt
General Superintendent