He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. (Luke 1:32)
SEVERAL PEOPLE IN HISTORY have been known as “the Great”: Alexander the Great, Herod the Great, Catherine the Great, and others. Isn’t it interesting that the greatest person in history never used this title: Jesus the Great?
Bringing heaven to humans, Jesus came to lowly Bethlehem as a little baby born in a manger. From this humble beginning, He launched the greatest mission the world had ever seen. On this Christmas Day, let us reflect on His greatness.
Jesus is our great Savior. Though our sin is great, His grace is greater still. “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”
Jesus is our great healer. He allows pain to surface in our lives for the purpose of divine healing and the glory of God.
Jesus is our great hope. Because He lives, we can face tomorrow.
Jesus is our great help. We stumble and fall, but Jesus helps us to get up and move forward.
Jesus is our great Shepherd. He guides and guards us all along life’s journey.
Jesus is our great treasure. There is no other treasure on earth that compares with Him. Since He is our treasure, we are called to treasure Him through worship.
As we exchange gifts this Christmas, let us remember that Jesus himself is the greatest gift.Daily
Have a Merry Christmas, remembering that Jesus is greater than great!
Mark O. Wilson is senior pastor of Hayward Wesleyan Church in Wisconsin’s Northwoods, and author of Filled Up, Poured Out (WPH) and Purple Fish (WPH).