Each of you is to take up a stone . . . to serve as a sign among you. (Josh. 4:5–6)
The monuments in Washington DC are tributes to some of this nation’s Founding Fathers. They remind us, among other things, that America was indeed founded on Christian principles, and we should not forget that.
The Pearl Harbor and 9/11 memorials each refer to a date that will live in infamy. The attack on Pearl Harbor should have been a wake-up call reminding Americans that the enemy was around and ready to strike. And yet, sixty years later, the United States was attacked again. Americans watched in horror as planes descended from the sky and towers fell.
In the wake of these tragedies, monuments were created—places to reflect and to remember the threat to our safety.
Joshua spoke God’s words to the Israelites, instructing them to build a stone memorial as a reminder of how much God had done for them. And not only that, the memorial helped the people remember how important it was to remain focused on him, the One who had guided them from bondage to their own land.
Without tangible reminders, we tend to forget God’s miracles, love, and goodness. But we must never forget who our Provider is or take his provisions for granted. We must keep his faithfulness at the forefronts of our minds and pass it on to our children and our children’s children.
Set up memorials to remember what God has done for you.
Ann Shadduck is a retired, at-risk-student teacher and evangelical Christian.
© 2020 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.