The Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers. (Rev. 17:14)

Thud. The morning paper skids to a stop on my doorstep. When I bend over to pick it up, I prepare my heart for the bad news I will inevitably read inside it. Ding! Another Internet message pops up with the latest international distress. Click, click. As I flip through the television channels, I know I will hear of murders and wars. Especially hard to stomach are crimes against children. There is so much evil in the world! At times my heart is overwhelmed. Where is the Lord? Isn’t He more powerful than all of this?

When John received the vision of the beast in Revelation and its destruction, he was astonished. But the angel didn’t stop the message there. John was able to see the Lamb overcome the beast and the ten evil kings who will war with the beast. These evil rulers will be accomplishing God’s purpose until God’s words are fulfilled. The entire world and all of time are completely in God’s plan and under His control. We can be confident that Jesus will overcome. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! We can feel protected because His called, chosen, and faithful followers will be right there with Him. Instead of feeling that this world and its evil are winning, be confident that Jesus the Lamb will dramatically and completely overcome evil.

Have confidence in the Lamb who will overcome.

Rachel Schmoyer is a pastor’s wife, mom of four, and has a degree from Cairn University. She enjoys biographies of the First Ladies.