Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. (Ps. 105:1)
When I realized I had the desire to go into full-time ministry, my dream was to be a missionary. I wanted to do big things for God, and at sixteen, that vision looked like going to Africa and reaching people who had never heard the name of Jesus. This plan was not the desire God truly had for me. As time went on I realized I didn’t want it because of him, but because of how it would make me look. Through that realization, God began to break my heart. He broke me for the people I saw every day.
This revelation was powerful for me for two reasons. First, I always thought I had to go somewhere else to show people Jesus. Second, because it showed me that no matter where I was, I was called to proclaim his name.
Sometimes we get stuck in the pattern of going to specific places for specific moments to share Jesus. Let me emphasize nothing is wrong with going to those places. However, an issue can arise when we get stuck not proclaiming him in our daily lives. There is nowhere that the Lord is not; even if there are places we are afraid to go. He wants you to reach your lost neighbor just as much as someone thousands of miles away. He can use you today to do just that.
Proclaim something that God has done for you, right where you are.
Callie Kemmerer is an alumnus of Kingswood University and currently serving at Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church in Pennsylvania. She leads the hospitality ministry and loves to see Jesus work through that ministry.
© 2019 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.